The school reform project is overflowing with spelling mistakes


In a statement, the constitutional service has very elegantly highlighted many spelling mistakes in the Education Reform Project of the Minister of Education Reform, as stated by the Standard. "One can call attention to editorial errors in relation to the setting (missing) of commons," write the lawyers of the service, as they noticed many spelling and grammar errors.

Normally, the constitutional service deals with the substantive issue. The fact that they were forced to draw attention to the spelling mistakes in the current project caused laughter.

Common and punctuation errors

They identify eight commas and other punctuation errors. The attorneys pointed out the errors with an elegant formulation: "Before the conjunction" or "the comma defined should be omitted".

In addition, this would have been a problem sensitive to the case. Even the project title already contains an error. "In addition, the pedagogical package on separation" was omitted because it is a composite name, "said the Constitutional Service.

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