The stolen ice stolen: "How stupid you must be"


Eisstanitzel stolen: "How stupid you must be"

TRAUSDORF. The owner of the glacier Peter Delarich is left with a mystery: who carries an ice pickle of 20 kilos and a meter and a half in the neighboring village and throws it on a wall in a swimming pool?

This advertisement is in great demand. Image: PETER DELARICH (APA)

Two weeks ago, strangers launched the icy tree-shaped advertisement of the "Eisbulle" show in Trausdorf (Eisenstadt-Umgebung district) in a water course. This was not the only object that had been a victim of vandals that night

"The object of desire", as said the owner of the ice cream staccato smile, changed again place : Tuesday evening, the rescuer of the outdoor pool Beside the stool in the pool.

"You must laugh anyway, because you must be stupid, that you carry a meter and a half high, about 20 kg heavy Eisstanitzerl – whether on foot or on foot – in the next city There you do work and climb the wall of the pool – I do not know if they reacted because it suited them and they swam on it or they just threw the bag in the pool, "said Delarich .] Show comments »

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