The summit between Trump and Putin began "



Before their first summit in Helsinki , the president of the United States Donald Trump and the head of the Russian state Vladimir Putin saw their expectations drop. Russia accused the United States of unscrupulous competition on Monday and said the talks would be difficult because of differences such as the Syrian conflict.

"Our relations with Russia have never been worse," writes Trump on Twitter. The reason is "many years of stupidity and stupidity in the United States and now the witch hunt manipulated."

Critics and advisers urge American president to go to court with Putin for alleged interference of Russia in US presidential campaign

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13:15 – Meeting of Presidents [19659012] With more than an hour late, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin met at the Finnish Presidential Palace.

Trump says he thinks he wants to have an extraordinary relationship with Putin. Says to hear with Russia "

– William Gallo (@GalloVOA) July 16, 2018

12:58 – Who Can Wait

After Putin arrived late in the presidential palace, Trump has now made his way to the top.

Moscow correspondent of the "Guardian" badyzes the power games and struggles for images that are in such a place Occasions back plan:

Trump sending a huge convoy in advance to Mercedes

– Andrew Roth (@Andrew__Roth) July 16, 2018

12:42 pm – Putin arrives at the presidential palace

Vladimir Putin is now in his thirties with a delay of fifteen minutes The presidential palace has arrived.Now Trump lets him wait – he is still at the Hilton hotel, from where he should have left there two hours ago

Photography o © AP


The Russian Foreign Ministry shares Trump's view that relations between the United States and Russia have never been so bad:

12:12 – Putin is late [19659013PermanentPresidentVladimirPutinisbackonhiswaytotheUSPresidentDonaldTrumpTheaircrafthasarrivedinGermanyatleastafewminuteslongerthanexpected

So, while the summit is delayed – and therefore probably the closing statement originally scheduled for just before four o'clock CET – here is our badysis of the initial situation : best friends, best Enemies?

Trump and his wife Melania are also waiting to attend the meeting at the Finnish Presidential Palace:

President Trump and Melania were to leave their home hotel 26 minutes ago. Pool says they're still waiting, presumably on Putin.

– Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) 16. July 2018

Waiting for the interlocutor has long been one of Putin's strategies: [19659009]

Donald Trump getting ready to wait for Putin? Past Pope Francis (50 minutes) and the modes of approach (1 hour). Things go wrong in Lukashenka (3 hours) and Merkel (4 hours 15 minutes).

– Andrew Roth (@Andrew__Roth) 16. July 2018

10:27 – Kremlin: the conversation becomes difficult

 TOPSHOT-FINLAND -US-RUSSIA-POLITICS-DIPLOMACY-SUMMIT "clbad =" lazyload "data-src =" http: // -443E62C564E4_v0_h.jpg "data-src-big =" / images / uploads / 3/1 / b / 5464859 / AE7707E1-E348-40B9-9A6E-443E62C564E4_v0_h.jpg
Proponents of US President Donald Trump l '. welcome with a rally in Helsinki. Photo © APA / AFP / ALESSANDRO RAMPAZZO

The Kremlin sees a good relationship between the Presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump and anticipates a successful Russian-American summit in Helsinki. "They respect each other and they can talk well," said Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskow the state broadcaster RT, a few hours before the meeting in Helsinki

. Hopefully "at least a small step" of the currently bad relationships will continue.

Russia has no problems with Trump putting America first, politically Peskow said. "Each head of state should represent above all the interests of his country in his international contacts, and in this sense our president is also very pragmatic and direct, and he says that for him the interests of Russia and the Russian people go beyond. " 19659010] The conversation about Syria will be difficult because of a disagreement over the role of Iran, Peskov said. "We know how Washington is linked to Iran, but at the same time Iran is a good partner for us in economic relations as well as in political dialogue." Russia and Iran are in Syria the military powers of the government of the president Bashar al-Assad .

9:51 – EU Foreign Ministers go away with Trump

EU Foreign Ministers broke up "Enemy" designation of US President Donald Trump dissociates from the EU. The German State Minister for Europe at the Foreign Office, Michael Roth said Monday in Brussels, Trump is trying to divide Europe. "Austria certainly does not see the United States as an enemy, certainly not the EU," said Karin Kneissl (FPÖ).

"Personally, I miss these categories," said Kneissl. For them, politics is an issue of interest-driven interaction. At today's Trump Summit and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Kneissl noted that it was important that the United States and Russia resume negotiations, but that the summit is not overestimated. Especially in Syria "a lot of things are happening."

"To be taken seriously, we undoubtedly need a coherent foreign policy" from the EU, Kneissl said. People rarely talk about the EU in the US, but rather talk about Europeans. "Consistent behavior deserves respect."

The Luxembourg Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean Asselborn said that at the Helsinki summit, many things could be corrected between Trump and Putin, but he does not believe it so close from him. It was clear "that the state of mind of President Trump plays a role". For Putin, the summit is already a victory. "He no longer wants to appear as a regional power as president (Barack, Note) Obama said it was a victory for him."

Asselborn criticized Trump's worldview. "I hope that playing golf in Scotland, where there is a lot of fresh air, that President Trump manages to see something clearer in the enemy and non-enemy categories." If Russia and China are enemies of the United States and Europe, "some things are shaken". He hopes that the world in the spirit of Trump is "not totally disarticulated"

8:47 am – Trump: the relationship with Russia was "never worse"

Few hours before his summit with the head of state Vladimir Putin described the US President Donald Trump as a historically bad relationship with Russia and pushed him on the way to the US. investigation of the case of Russia. "Our relationship with Russia has never been worse, thanks to many years of American madness and now because of the witch hunt handled!"

Trump wrote this Monday in the Twitter short message service. US intelligence sources accuse Russia of interfering with hacker attacks in the presidential campaign to help Trump and wound the Democratic rival of Hillary Clinton . A special investigator checks whether there was a complicity with the Trump campaign camp. Trump has repeatedly called this investigation a "witch hunt".

Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of war in the United States. stupidity and stupidity and now, the witch hunt!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 16. July 2018

In another tweet, he accuses his predecessor Barack Obama of having done nothing against the so-called Russian cyber attacks. Obama believed that Clinton would win the election, so he did nothing. The Obama administration publicly accused Russia of being behind the hacker attacks in October 2016. C & # 39; was about a month before the elections.

Our relationship with Russia has never been worse, thanks to many years spent in the United States. stupidity and stupidity and now, the witch hunt!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 16. July 2018

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