The United States wants more time for the merging of the migrant family


The US government has asked the court to extend the time to bring families of migrants together. In his application published Friday, it is said that although the Ministry of Health works "tirelessly" to bring minors back to detention centers with their parents.

Despite the DNA tests applied, in some cases the deadlines can not be met. 19659002] The San Diego, California, court set the June 26 deadline for families to separate from the authorities after the illegal crossing of the border. Therefore, children under five must be back with their parents until next Tuesday, the rest until July 26th.

According to the government, more than 2,300 minors were affected by family divisions. As a result of a general outcry, President Donald Trump ordered the cessation of rigorous practice on June 20 – most children are currently being held with their parents.

Private aides have accused the government in recent days of having no plans for the union of families. According to the authorities, only about 500 children were reunited with their parents.

Health Minister Alex Azar said Thursday that DNA testing would be used to facilitate family reunification. However, the petition indicated that genetic badyzes were not always sufficient and, in some cases, further examination of the documents was necessary. In addition, family reunion is sometimes difficult if the parents have already been released.

The Department of Justice has proposed that the court not set new time limits, but rather designates the government itself as the period it would grant the Association all the needs of families. The authorities are "ready" to prepare an appropriate recommendation.

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