The United States wants to talk to the Europeans about free trade


In the global customs dispute, US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin offered talks to the European Union on future trade relations. "We would accept a free trade agreement, free of customs duties," he said at the weekend meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bankers in Buenos Aires. "Our goal is free, open and balanced trade."

Recently, US President Donald Trump has threatened to impose higher rates on cars coming from Europe. This could also hit the German auto industry. The head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, will visit Washington for talks next week. IMF warns against escalation

German Chancellor Angela Merkel wants to prevent a spiral of escalation with ever higher tariffs and seeks a solution to the bargaining dispute in the trade dispute between the IMF and the IMF. EU and the United States. The EU's countermeasure against the new punitive tariffs of the United States is the "much worse solution," she said.

German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz has also campaigned for fair and equitable global trade. "Prosperity gains are greater for everyone when we cooperate," he said.

Indeed, an badysis of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) shows that the US economy could be the main loser of trade disputes. In the end, however, the whole world would suffer from an arms race of an inch. In the worst case scenario, global economic output could be down 0.5% or $ 430 billion (368.47 billion euros) in 2020 from previous estimates, according to IMF estimates.

The Argentine presidency of the G-20 In fact, the future of work and the improvement of infrastructure for the weekend are on the agenda. In the customs dispute between the United States, China and the European Union, everything revolved around world trade. "Trade disputes are a big problem," said Scholz.

Trump accuses Europeans of keeping the euro artificially low. This would make the dollar more expensive and affect the competitiveness of the United States. Scholz rejected the accusation: "The EU has a very rational policy, we are not seeking an economic advantage over the exchange rates."

The Mayor: The United States must go first stage

Without lifting US import duties on aluminum and steel, negotiations with Bruno Le Mayor EU about a trade agreement. France and Germany are in agreement on this point, said The Mayor Saturday, on the sidelines of the G20 finance ministers meeting

., "We are waiting for the United States to take the necessary steps to get out of the trade war. "The United States must regain its raison d'être and respect the internationally recognized rules and its allies.

The EU is ready to demand a total renewal World Trade Organization (WTO) The imposition of duties is not the right way to solve the problems issues challenged by the WTO, said The Mayor. If the US imposes new duties on imports from the EU, there is no choice but to respond.

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