The US Senate Intelligence Committee also believes that Russia wanted to help Trump


US intelligence agencies concluded in early 2017 that Moscow wanted to support Donald Trump in the elections. The responsible Senate Committee is now behind this badessment – and against Trump and his supporters.

Peter Winkler, Washington

  Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) and his counterpart Donald Trump (right) Met on July 7, 2017 on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg July 7, 2017 - July 16, 2018, they meet in Helsinki for their first summit. (Photo: Evan Vucci / AP)

Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) and his counterpart Donald Trump (right) met on July 7, 2017 on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Hamburg July 7, 2017 – July 16, 2018, they meet in Helsinki for their first summit. (Photo: Evan Vucci / AP)

In clear opposition to their colleagues in the United States House of Representatives, members of the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded that intelligence services had concluded in January 2017 that Russia was in the presidential election. In 2016, Republican candidate Donald Trump supported. Both commissions are headed by a Republican majority. Unlike the House of Representatives, which basically collapsed along the party lines, the Senate Committee managed to work through the council and reach a consensus

The Chairman of the Senate Committee, Richard Burr of North Carolina issued a clear summary of the preliminary findings of an investigation on the basis of which the intelligence services – essentially the NSA's interrogation department, the CIA's secret service and the counterintelligence of the FBI – have come to their badessment. She qualifies the work of these services as solid. This would have involved a review of the badytical processes, interviews with the relevant intelligence officers, and a review of the underlying information material.

Purpose: Maul Clinton

According to the Intelligence Commission, the material used in the evaluation included a variety of educational methods available to the public. Information on the political objectives of the Russian leadership and the content in the Russian media. Taken together, this shows Moscow's intention to downplay Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

There are differences in the badessment of the three services on the degree of reliability of their conclusion, according to which the Russian government aimed to promote the electoral chances of Trump. But these are in different testing procedures and are the result of a professional and transparent process. All interviewed employees who participated in the creation of the intelligence service unanimously stated that they had never been asked to achieve certain results – in plain language: politically motivated –

No Reason to doubt

] After 16 months of thorough investigation, his commission concluded that there was no reason to doubt the intelligence service's badessment, Burr said. Thus, the panel is not only against Trump, who has always refused to accept the possibility of Russian aid . The committee also bears bad testimony to its sister committee in the House of Representatives. There, the Republican majority had spoken in a one-page report of "significant artisbad failure" of intelligence services. The democratic minority then published its own report.

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