This Infant Inflatable Baby Is Dog The American President


First mission to London :
This inflatable baby trump must follow the American president

  This inflatable baby Trump must follow the American president

He still has not got up in the air: the baby Trump.
Photo: Trump Baby United Kingdom

Dusseldorf The City of London has allowed a group of activists to blow up an inflatable baby Trump during a visit to the US President. But the first use of the six-meter figure should not be the last.

When Donald Trump looks at the skies of London next Friday, he will see himself . This is not what he looks forward to. Because this Trump is a six-meter character filled with helium: a baby with diapers holding a smartphone in his little hands and grimacing.

The City of London authorized Thursday the lifting of the inflatable Trump at "Parliament Square Gardens" during its meeting with Prime Minister Theresa May. "The Mayor supports the right to demonstrate peacefully and understands that he can take different forms, "said a spokesman for Sadiq Khan, however, the figure must be connected to the ground and must not rise to more than 30 meters.

Behind, there is a group around the Englishman Leo Murray, who funded the action via crowdfunding. For their part, they write: "Moral indignation does not bother Donald Trump, but he seems to hate him when we make fun of him." They wanted to make sure that Trump was aware of his visit: Any Britain made fun of him. 19659024] Trump has not yet responded, but Nigel Farage, former head of the UK's right-wing populist, UKIP, said in a tweet of "the biggest insult of all time against an outgoing US president". Criticism of action rejects Murray. In a guest post for the Metro information site, he writes: "I have read a lot about the protocol calling for civilized behavior in the UK." If you do not respect the man, then at least his office. "But being rude to Trump means respecting the US President's office, because it makes him more and more discredited every day."

It's not too late for Baby Trump after the London engagement. Because crowdfunding has raised more than £ 20,000 so far, the group wants to send helium trumps everywhere the president will visit. "If we can carry on Trump long enough, wherever he goes, he will start dreaming of the baby Trump."

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