This letter SIG can cost you 2 180 euros – readers


Freddy B. has been living in his apartment in Vienna-Meidling for four years. According to the 60-year-old, seven GIS employees knocked on his door seven times during this period. "Last time, it was only two weeks ago" so the Viennese. His answer is always the same:


Do you pay GIS fees?

No TV, no radio, only PC and DVD player

"I do not have a radio, because when I want to listen to music, I can access my MP3 and I do not have a TV with which you can receive TV, but I have a PC and I can watch movies on the Internet or DVDs. " I do not intend to change that. "

Apparently, not enough information. About 14 days after the last visit of a GIS employee, the Postler on Friday received a letter RSb, which turned out to be a request for GIS information. "I have never received such a letter", says the 60 years old.

Requests for information in accordance with Article 5 of the German Broadcasting Charges Act (RGG)

The letter asks Freddy to announce, within 14 days, what broadcasting facilities are operating at his home. Radio – yes or no. TV – yes or no. (Letter see above)

The Viennese now has 14 days to respond to the request for information. If he does not do it or even if he lies, he can expect an administrative penalty of up to 2 180 euros (§ 7 RGG).

"I see these acts as a terror against the citizen," Freddy is angry. He does not understand what the GIS wants to achieve. For him, this gives the impression "By intimidating and threatening administrative penalties, people are trying to intimidate"says the 60 years old. He returned the letter by e-mail the same day.

"I do not need radio or TV and it will never change"Freddy is safe. He hopes this "Sekkiererei" sometimes stops.

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