Thousands of people protest against Rome's immigration policy


10.11.2018 22:42

Online since yesterday, 22.42

Thousands of people demonstrated yesterday in Rome against the Italian government's immigration policy. With posters such as "Black Lives Matter" and "Welcome to all", they marched in the Italian capital. According to the organizers, participants from about fifty cities of the country arrived to protest against the drastic tightening of the asylum law.

Demonstrations in Rome against the government's immigration policy

APA / AFP / Alberto Pizzoli

The Senate pbaded a decree a few days ago, which facilitates the expulsion of refugees and virtually eliminates residence permits granted for humanitarian reasons. In addition, the distribution and housing of asylum seekers want to reorganize the government. Most will be hosted in large reception centers in the future.

As an innovation in security policy, the decree provides for the extension of the use of stun guns and the facilitation of the evacuation of occupied buildings. The UN refugee agency has expressed concern over the planned changes.

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