Three chickens used the Supreme Court


Three chickens used the High Court

ENNS, VIENNA. For her three chickens, Ulrike Bart moved to the highest court. Neighbors complained of animals and their henhouse of 15 square meters, because they perceived this as a nuisance.

  Three chickens used the supreme court

Dispute on a henhouse Image: Weihbold

The city of Enns and The Landesverwaltungsgericht forbade Bart to keep the animals in their garden. The judges argued that chicken farms were not permitted on a property designated as a "construction zone" in the zoning plan.

Mrs. Bart defended this idea in the administrative court of Vienna where she finally committed suicide with her three chickens.

Revision was dismissed

The Administrative Court appealed because, from the point of view of the chicken farmers, the case law did not allow to know whether the breeding of three hens was intended for commercial or recreational purposes. Residential zone "within the meaning of the Planning Act In addition, it can be inferred from the case law that pets, such as chickens, are considered solely for self-supply and domestic use. and not for livestock, are considered typical in the residential area

Rejected the revision of the Ennser Hühnerhalterin

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