Today, the prizes are awarded "


Today, starting at 11 am, the Bachmann Prize, worth 25,000 euros, will be awarded. The seven-member jury chaired by Hubert Winkels has no easy task because the ground is exceptionally dense.

21:53, 07 July 2018

  42. Days of German Literature Ingeborg Bachmannpreis 2018
Difficult task today for the seven jurors © Puch Johannes / ORF

Today, the Bachmann Prize, worth 25,000 euros, will be awarded from 11 o'clock. The seven-member jury chaired by Hubert Winkels has no easy task because the ground is exceptionally dense. There were many good texts on which the jury was very keenly discussing and quite eager to talk about Pointe.

On the shortlist, among which the laureates are chosen, should, inter alia, Bov Bjerg living in Vienna Ukrainian Tanja Maljarchuk Stephan Lohse and Joshua Groß perhaps also Ally Klein and Stephan Groetzner and Jakob Nolte . The only Austrian in the competition, Rapahela Edelbauer (read an interview with her here), opened the competition on Thursday and received praise. Today, she probably only has outsider opportunities, maybe she gets the public award, which was already voted yesterday.

will be awarded today in addition to the Bachmann Prize for the Deutschlandfunk Prize (€ 12,500), the Kelag Prize (€ 10,000), the 3-sat prize (€ 7,500) and the BKS Audience Award ( 7,000 euros and the Stadtschreiberstipendium of the city of Klagenfurt, 5,000 euros). The first four prizes will be awarded by the jurors, who will also have to justify their decision

and another piece of advice: the cabaret group "maschek" examines the beginnings of the Bachmann Prize. You can find the video here.

Final with several favorites: The readings of the 42nd Bachmann competition ended yesterday and yesterday

(c) ORF (Puch Johannes)

The audience was composed of Maja Haderlap and a laureate Bachmann

(c) Johannes Puch (Puch Johannes)

In general, the reading contest again attracted many people

(c) Johannes Puch (Puch Johannes)

And visitors were also wanting to read

(c) Puch Johannes

Click on the

(c) Johannes Puch

(c) Johannes Puch

(c) Johannes Puch (Puch Johannes

(c) Puch John

(c) John Puch

(c) Puch John

(c) Johannes Puch [Puch Johannes] 19659030] (c) Johannes Puch

(c) Puch Johannes


(c) Johannes Puch (Puch Johannes)

(c) John Puch (Puch Johannes)

On Thursday, the first five authors appeared for the Bachmann Prize, with 25,000 euros

(c) ORF (Puch Johannes)

The seven jurors presided over by Hubert Winkels discuss the texts. ] (c) ORF (Johannes Puch)

Joshua Gross has gained much praise for his text "Flexen in Miami."

(c) ORF (Puch Johannes)

The content: In an American basketball game takes a story of violent love between the narrator in the first person and the French Claire their release, in which however, even Charlotte plays a role.

c) ORF (Puch Johannes)

But Stephan Lohse was also enthusiastic

(c) ORF (Puch Johannes)

The actor, director and author of Hamburg, who lives in Berlin, led to "Lumumbaland" Stephan Lohse, who was invited by Hubert Winkels to read

(c) ORF (Puch Johannes)

The jurors listened with reverence. ,

(c) ORF (Puch Johannes)

. ,, and had, as here Hubert Winkels and Stefan Gmünder, also much to discuss.

(c) ORF (Puch Johannes)

The German author Anna Stern

(c) ORF (Johannes Puch)

(c) ORF (Puch Johannes)

Raphaela Edelbauer was the first to enter the race – she is the only Austrian to do so

(c) ORF (Puch Johannes)

Reading Martina Clavadetscher

(c) ORF (Puch Johannes)

Juror Nora Gomringer with "Talking T-shirt"

(c) ORF (Puch Johannes)

Juror Michael Wiederstein is hot – such a fan can be nice [19659015] (c) ORF (Puch Johannes)

Eh well, and the Radl salad is mandatory. The entourage of Bachmann is only on horseback

(c) ORF (Puch Johannes)

On the second day of the reading, five authors appeared to the jurors in the field of reading

(c) Puch Johannes (Puch Johannes)

The second reading was inaugurated by the German physician and author Corinna T Sievers.

(c) Puch Johannes (Puch Johannes)

In his text "The next, please!" Corinna T. Sievers asked an erotomaniac dentist about his obsession

(c) Puch Johannes

After that, the Berliner Ally Klein was about to write his novel "Carter".

(c) Puch Johannes (Puch Johannes)

She presented an excerpt from her first novel "Carter", which will be published by Droschl Verlag in Graz on August 10 – a sinister and oppressive story, l? approach of a figure to a hut, an encounter with a mysterious female figure

(c) Puch Johannes (Puch Johannes)

The jury was impressed by the text of the Ukrainian, Tanja Malyarchuk , "Frogs in the Sea"

(c) Johannes Puch (Puch Johannes)

The text deals with the migrant and worker Petro, who becomes friends with an old mad woman whom he once encountered in the "Froschpark" and a day is missing.

c) Puch Johannes (Puch Johannes)

There was also much praise for the text "serpentine" of the German Bov Bjerg. His text speaks of the "burden of life," according to a juror.

(c) Puch Johannes (Puch Johannes)

"Do like Miltos! the last author of the day, the German Anselm Neft, in his text.

(c) Puch Johannes

Narrator is a heavily homeless alcoholic who is with his dog Lucy ("Lucy") wandering and breaking up with her family

(c) Puch Johannes

The Hildegard Jury Keller, Michael Wiederstein and Nora Gomringer had much to discuss

(c) Puch Johannes

And the audience read with concentration

(c) Puch Johannes (Puch Johannes)

Like Hildegard Keller [19659016] (19659015) c) Puch Johannes (Puch Johannes)

Klaus Kastberger was probably already looking forward to the World Cup.,, He wore a T-Shit from Brazil

(c) Puch Johannes

Juror Insa Wilke

(c) Puch Johannes

Moderator Christian Ankowitsch

(c) Puch Johannes (Puch Johannes)

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