Tomorrow begins Tempo 140
LINZ. Operation test on the A1 – Environmental Council Anschober speaks of "false signal"

Launch of test operation (vowe / OÖNGrafik) ] Bild:
Tomorrow begins the test operation for Tempo 140: On the West Highway (A1) between the pilots Haid and Sattledt are allowed to drive at 140 km / h at l & # 39; 39, future, as well as between Melk and Oed in Lower Austria. As announced Minister of Transport Norbert Hofer (FP) has planned the project for a year now, and then the data is evaluated. On their basis, it is decided in the future if a higher speed limit will apply to other sections of the highway.
Senior Environmental Advisor Rudi Anschober (Greens) rejects the plan: higher temperatures mean more fuel consumption and therefore more pollutant emissions. "A few kilometers from Tempo 140 on the Western Highway will not hurt the global climate," says Anschober. "But I think it's the wrong signal right now." He would therefore like to observe the development of the programs in the sections concerned with Asfinag in the coming months. At Allhaming, exposure to nitrogen dioxide is calculated at 30 micrograms per year on average. The Austrian limit is 35 micrograms
When is flashed?
Klaus Scherleitner, head of the Traffic Department of the Upper Austrian Police, said yesterday on Ö1 what he had already said in an OÖNachrichten-exclusive report of the previous week. As a result, in the Tempo test zone 140 in this country only punished when the radar measurement leads to 159 km / h. Indeed, the state of Upper Austria has set a tolerance limit of 10 km / h on the highway. In addition, another five percent would come because of the inaccuracy of possible measure. Measure the officials with a laser rifle – more accurate – the gear must at least 156 km / h show that it will be punished.
less tolerant shows the state of Lower Austria. According to Willy Konrath, deputy chief of the local police department, there is no tolerance limit set by the state government as in Upper Austria. Therefore, according to Konrath only the measurement tolerances come into play. In the laser gun, the measurement in Lower Austria can therefore be penalized with measured values of 145 km / h, with radar commands from measured values of 147 km / h.
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