Tour for the detainees of the "Diciotti" refugee boat in Italy «


The 67 refugees arrested in the Mediterranean by the Italian Coast Guard left the ship according to the Italian media. Television footage showed how the migrants landed shortly before midnight on Thursday and boarded a black bus with police vehicles.

Earlier, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced Thursday night that migrants risked "diciotti" leaving as soon as their personal data was established.

The ship had docked in the port of the Sicilian town of Trapani in the afternoon. Migrants, however, were forbidden to embark. "I authorize no one to leave the" Diciotti ", said Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, on the sidelines of the meeting of Interior Ministers of the EU in Innsbruck. "If someone does, it's his own responsibility."

President had to intervene

According to media reports, Italian President Sergio Mattarella intervened Thursday afternoon to appeal to Conte to put an end to the situation. In addition, Italian media reported that the police had identified two people on board as a tug. The prosecutor of Trapani had then demanded to hear all the pbadengers as witnesses.

Salvini had denied the "Diciotti" Wednesday first, creating in an Italian port. On board were 58 men, three women and six children. They were first embarked by the Italian ship "Vos Thalbada" off the Libyan coast. Some of the refugees, however, reportedly acted on the "Your Thalbada" against the crew. According to media reports, the crew members then joined the command room and informed the rescue center in Rome

"Violent pirates"

Salvini had spoken on Wednesday about "criminals" and "violent pirates" who cuffed on board. should be. Thursday, the Italian Minister of the Interior again threatened the refugees: "If there was violence (aboard" Your Thalbada "), the officials will go to jail and if it is n & # 39; This is not the case, someone will suffer. "

Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the xenophobic party Lega wants to reduce to zero the number of refugees arriving in Italy. In June he had decided that ships badisting refugees on board should no longer be allowed to dock in Italian ports. Salvini also wants to extend this ban to ships of official international missions in the Mediterranean.

(APA / red.)

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