Trump and Juncker prepare for the commercial confrontation «


Shortly before their long-awaited meeting, US President Donald Trump and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker were skeptical about achieving a breakthrough in the transatlantic trade dispute. Trump repeated Tuesday night on Twitter an earlier suggestion that the US and Europeans should drop all tariffs, trade barriers and subsidies.

He does not believe in the implementation of the agreement. "It would finally be a free and fair market," writes Trump . He was ready and hoping for Europe too. "But they will not be," wrote the US president. Trump goes hand in hand with blatant threats in the conversation: He has already made it known that he would not be afraid of other duties, if trading partners did not make any concessions. [Mardi] Trump tweeted Tuesday: "Customs are the biggest!" Fair Trade Agreements "are an alternative – other countries could reach a fair deal with the United States or should live with taxes – already at the beginning of its mandate, it had placed the negotiations under the name of TTIP on the dismantling of customs duties and other trade barriers between the US and the EU on the ice.First of all, the goal of the EU is to prevent Trump to introduce special tariffs on car imports.

Juncker: "Do not stay on the dock"

Juncker has announced discussions on ZDF in Germany.Europe n & # Is not sitting on the dock. "In this sense, we do not need to defend ourselves, we are here to explain ourselves and explore ways to avoid a trade war," said Commission Chief Juncker pleaded for a waiver of further tariff increases and a baduring the overall situation. "

The European Union is not one of the enemies of the United States, pointed out Mr. Juncker – although Trump himself l & # 39; formulated. As for the possible results of the conversation, he was "not too optimistic," added the Luxembourger, who was traveling with an EU delegation. "I know Mr. Trump quite well, I've met him more often, I know how to deal with him, he knows how to deal with others, so we'll negotiate at eye level."

Juncker will be Wednesday night (7:30 pm CEST) at the White House. It should not only target US tariffs already imposed on steel and aluminum, but also the increase from 1945 to 006] US import duties on cars from the US. EU, which would hit the German economy hard. If that were to happen, the EU is ready to take countermeasures, reiterated Mr Juncker. "We do not have that in our luggage, but in our head, we are able to respond immediately in an adequate manner."

(APA / Reuters / dpa / AFP / red.)

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