Trump appoints Supreme Court candidates


US President Donald Trump names his candidate for the vacancy at the Supreme Court at night. The seat on the Supreme Court will be vacant at the end of July, while moderate judge Anthony Kennedy retires at the age of 81.

The balance of force is moving soon right?

Trump now has the opportunity to appoint a more conservative successor. and can therefore move the political balance of power from the court to the right. Since judges are appointed for life, Trump's decision is of particular importance. He can shape the yard for decades.

Trump said that he had made his decision from a field of four candidates. There would be three men and one woman. Supreme Court nominees are nominated by the US President, but must be confirmed by the Senate. Republicans currently have a majority of 51 votes to 49.

Republican dissidents could destroy everything

With Senator John McCain, seriously ill, absent from the vote for months, the Republicans are for nothing. Voice If the Democrats vote against Trump's candidate, only one Republican dissident could tear it down.

The intense debate over Trump's candidate will shape the political public in the United States for months to come. Perhaps it eclipses that of the congressional elections in November. Trump thinks it's timely because this topic, very important for the United States, can divert attention from its problems and its business.

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