Trump attacks Mays Brexit strategy and praises Johnson '


US President Donald Trump criticized British Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit strategy and threatened serious consequences for US trade. On the other hand, he praised one of the most important opponents of the month of May. Although he does not want to play against Foreign Minister Boris Johnson and May, one against the other, Trump said.

01.55, 13 July 2018

"I simply want to say that he would be a great prime minister," said the US president in an interview published Thursday night by the British tabloid "The Sun". Johnson has what it takes. "I think he has the right attitude of being a great prime minister." Trump also calls May a "nice person" by criticizing London Mayor Sadiq Khan. It's a "terrible job".

Johnson resigned from his post in May's dispute over the withdrawal of the EU's kingdom. While the head of government is talking about other close relations with the remaining 27 states, the former mayor of London wants a clean cut. Trump repeatedly criticized the EU and accused it of a trade policy to the detriment of the United States.

Trump now told the "Sun", too close to a link with the European Union after the Brexit would lead to the United States in a trade agreement will have to negotiate again with the United Kingdom with the # 39; EU. "So, it's probably going to kill the case." He added: "If they do, their trade deal with the United States should not materialize." May's plans include a customs union and a free trade agreement with the EU

The Sun aired audio excerpts from the interview on Thursday night – shortly after May Trump hosted a gala dinner festive at Blenheim Palace, near Oxford. The only interviews that could be deduced were Trump's answers, not the questions he referred to. According to the Sun, the interview took place on Wednesday before the NATO summit at the US Embbady in Brussels

Trump's inaugural visit to London would focus on a trade deal for trade after the exit of Britain from the EU. stimulate with the United States. "Can aspire to an" ambitious agreement, "said a spokesman for the British government.

Trump had already expressed criticism Thursday on the Brexit policy in May in Brussels He did not know if the plans of the Prime Minister confirm the British vote in the referendum two years ago, May then replied: "We put the vote of the British people."

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