Trump calls the Koch brothers a "total joke"


US President Donald Trump embarked on a confrontational course with prominent industrialists Charles and David Koch, who have been among the most important financiers of his Republican party for years. Trump describes the two billionaires today on the Twitter short message service as a "total joke" in Republican circles that the influence of their network is "overestimated."

The Koch Brothers globalists, who are a total joke in real Republican circles, are against Borders and Powerful Trading. I never seek their support because I do not need their money or their bad ideas. They like my tax cuts and regulations, wise choice and more. I did …..

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 31. July 2018

With the bitter attack, Trump responds to Koch Koch's criticism on his course, particularly on its protectionist trade policy. The president described the Koch brothers as "globalists" who oppose "strong borders and powerful trade". It's about "two nice guys with bad ideas."

He never looked for the cook's support, "since I do not need their money (…)," Trump tweeted. The president re-introduced himself as representing the interests of the "American worker" and stressed that he was "the puppet of anyone". He accused the Koch brothers of preventing their economic activities from being taxed abroad in the United States.

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