Trump orders two new Boeing Air Force One aircraft «


US aircraft manufacturer Boeing received a $ 1 billion contract for two new presidential machines. Both aircraft will be delivered in December 2024, announced Tuesday the US Department of Defense. The purchase price is $ 3.9 billion. US President Donald Trump told CBS that the new planes were red, white and blue. "Air Force One is going to be amazing, it will be the best of its kind, the best in the world." The previous blue and white color scheme dates back to the government of John F. Kennedy.

The US presidential office and Boeing agreed in principle in February to build the machines. Trump had described a previous order for two Air Force One with a volume of four billion dollars as too expensive. "The costs are out of control," he wrote on Twitter. According to February White House calculations, the savings realized after the renegotiation amount to more than $ 1.4 billion, but this can not be confirmed independently.


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