Trump playing golf in Scotland


US President Donald Trump spends the weekend meeting, calling and playing golf in Scotland after his official visit to the UK. That told Trump on Saturday via a Twitter short message service. On BBC television screens, he was seen in a golf cart on the grounds of his Turnberry Golf Club in the Scottish County of Ayrshire.

17:47, 14 July 2018


"The weather is beautiful and this place is amazing", writes Trump. Meanwhile, thousands of people rallied again to demonstrate against the US president. In Scotland's only capital, Edinburgh, several thousand anti-Trump protesters were on the streets. Also a balloon in the form of a baby Trump in the diapers was allowed to get up there again. Hundreds of people also demonstrated outside the Trump Golf Course. Slogans and boos have also been heard at Resort Turnberry. Trump appeared partially bored by the protesters.

The US president received the support of several hundred people who took to the streets in London during Pro-Trump protests on Saturday. Among them, there were right-wing extremists. According to media reports, it was sometimes to struggle with counter-protesters.

Trump also received the approval of British Trade Minister Liam Fox, who condemned the protests against the US president. "The protesters were embarrbading," Fox told the BBC on Saturday. It does not fit the "good manners and hospitality of the British people," the leader of the free world, with posters such as "Go-in, we hate you," according to Fox.

Bad manners are also accused of being Trump's fierce critic of the Brexit course by British Prime Minister Theresa May during his visit. Fox said that he knew Trump at a gala dinner on Thursday as "impeccably polite and competent." Among other things, the US president said in an interview with the conservative tabloid The Sun that the country's biggest national challenger, the resigning foreign minister and Brexit defender Boris Johnson, would make an excellent prime minister.

Tens of thousands of lands made their anger on Trump air. They accuse the American president of badism, racism and hatred of homobaduals. London organizers have even spoken of 250,000 protesters.

A Greenpeace activist used a paraglider Friday night to fly over the Turnberry Golf Course with a low level protest message shortly after Trump arrived. Police opened an investigation.

Trump was on an official visit to the UK on Thursday and Friday when he met with Prime Minister May and Queen Elizabeth II for talks. On Sunday, he will travel to Helsinki for a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday.

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