Trump under pressure for meeting the Russians


Attorney Michael Cohen claims that Donald Trump was aware of the explosive encounter between Trump Tower and the Russians. The June 2016 meeting is considered the most valuable proof that Team Trump wanted to cooperate with Russia during the 2016 election campaign.

Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya offered "dirt" to dwarfs to Hillary Clinton. Trump's son Donald Jr., campaign leader Paul Manafort and son-in-law Jared Kushner met them panting.

Everyone, including the Trump, said that the Republican candidate of the time was unaware of the meeting of Russian conspirators. That's exactly what Cohen contradicts. Trump knew well, said CNN Cohen. And explosive: He wants in this regard, the FBI Special Investigator Bob Mueller as an available witness.

In the environment of Trump Cohen is only called "The Rat".

Trump denied on Twitter: "Sounds to me as if someone is trying to invent stories to free himself from his own problems."

Speaking of Mueller: Trump is also on d & # 39; Other fronts at the throat: The hard-hitting FBI man is now quoting the former Trump treasurer at the Trump Organization for being questioned before a "grand jury." It's very explosive. "Allen Weisselberg knows all Trump's finances – and also all dark secrets such as possible cross-deals with Russia.

Mueller's move is another indication that the special investigator is scrutinizing Trump's finances. Also coincides with Cohen's secret registration: the FBI has found on the iPhone of Trump's former lawyer over 100 recordings of Cohen's conversations with Trump, business partners and reporters. One of these bands was released and was He was hit like a bombshell: Trump had talked about money payments to former playmate Karen McDougal, with whom he would have had an affair.

Trump's fate could also have his own Twitter Riot: Mueller investigates Twitter's attacks on Justice Minister Jeff Sessions in the investigation of a possible judicial disability, the New York Times reported.

Trump leaked recently because of press scandals: The president went to Andrews Air Force Base on Thursday where Air Force One is stationed, with the limousine instead of flying in a helicopter. The official reason: bad weather, although the sky was bright blue. Normally, journalists can call him by going to the helicopter, he apparently wanted to avoid that …

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