Twelve deaths in Sicily and billions of damages in the Belluno region


Rome – Italy struggles for a week with thunderstorms, heavy rains and thunderstorms. Sunday, 27 people were killed. In Sicily, twelve people died on weekends.

Nine bodies were found in a flooded country house in Casteldaccia, near Palermo, said Sunday the fire department. Two families were reunited for dinner when the house was flooded by a stream that had come to shore. The dead were members of two families, including a three-year-old boy and a 15-year-old teenager, Italian media reported. Only two people were able to escape.

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Firefighters also found in the province of Agrigento the bodies of two people whose car had been washed away by a stream at the edge of the flood. This was reported by the Italian news agency ANSA.

In the Sicilian province of Agrigento, two people died, their car being washed away by a stream that caused a flood. In addition, there is a doctor missing in the city of Corleone. Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte visited Sunday in the weather-affected region of Sicily. He convened a ministerial council next week to raise funds to deal with the severe damage caused by bad weather.

The dramatic hours were also due to heavy rains in the province of Palermo. In several communities, there has been severe flooding. A train derailed in Cammarata. There were no casualties on board, Civil Defense reported.

"Apocalyptic" situation in the north

The situation in the Greater Belluno region in the Dolomites is still particularly difficult. Thousands of households continue to live without electricity or water. The pylons collapsed at wind speeds of up to 180 kilometers at the time. 100 kilometers of roads, houses and cars were destroyed by water and mud. The storm has destroyed hectares in the woods – 100,000 hectares of forest in Udine Trentino Val di Fiemme were destroyed.

The head of civil defense, Angelo Borrelli, spoke Saturday in Belluno of an "apocalyptic" situation. "It will be worse than after a bombing raid, it will take us up to five years to repair the damage to the forests, we will have to replace four million trees and the destruction of the forests will increase the risk of new landslides and avalanches, "said Paola Favero. Ranger at Cansiglio near Belluno.

The President of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, promised a speedy recovery from the damage to the forests. The region is worried about the upcoming ski season. "The storms destroyed the space of Agordo, our canyon," said Zaia, who visited Sunday with Interior Minister Matteo Salvini in the areas affected by the storm. the weather of Belluno. Zaia estimated the damage in the region of Veneto to one billion euros.

Bad weather before stops

The front of bad weather should continue in the coming days. A mitigation of the situation is expected in the middle of next week. (, APA)

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