Two dead at the Kirch headquarters in Nicaragua


According to eyewitness reports, two people were allegedly shot dead by a sniper during the siege of a church in Nicaragua. The dead were brought yesterday by the Red Cross of the Divina Misericordia Church in southeastern Managua

The day before, about 200 people, including students, media professionals and clerics, had fled to the paramilitaries near the government.

A reporter for the Nicaraguan television channel Cbad 15, who was also in the church, reported that the snipers had hidden people in the church for about twelve hours. The siege was completed at the insistence of the Catholic Church. Videos showed how people were transported by bus

Bloody demonstrations of several months

Violent clashes between protesters, security forces and pro-government paramilitaries have left about 350 people dead in recent months, according to activists. human rights. At least 2,100 others were injured, said the human rights organization ANPDH. Government reports about 50 deaths

Since mid-April, bloody clashes have erupted between protesters, pro-government paramilitaries and the police. Recent protests against the government were initially triggered by planned social reform. Meanwhile, protesters call for the resignation of President Daniel Ortega, at the end of violence and freedom of the press

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