#Two Debates: The Net Discusses Daily Racism


Following the racist allegations of Mesut Özil, more and more people from immigration describe their experiences of discrimination in everyday life. Thousands of people chat on Twitter using the hashtag #MeTwo

By Dominik Lauck, tagesschau.de

The debate on racism that footballer Mesut Özil raised with his allegations against the German Football Association finds an unexpected continuation on the internet. Tens of thousands of people share their experiences of discrimination on Twitter under the hashtag #MeTwo. Activist Ali Can has launched the buzzword. In two days, it has become the most common term in German-speaking social networks. Many celebrities and politicians were also involved in the discussion.

"I did not expect so many people to come forward when I posted my original # MeTwo comment," said Can in an interview with Tagesschau .com. "This shows that this debate is long overdue, but it required a public impulse.

#MeTwo is based on #MeToo

The buzzword #MeTwo is based on" the big scandal # Global metoo due to the badism in Hollywood, "says Can." I thought that finally there was a space for people from immigration.

Can, 25, comes from Turkey and came to Germany with his family in 1995. "MeTwo, in German" I deliberately chose both. "Both as a symbol.You can be German and still feel connected to another country – because you are born there, because you speak the language, because your parents are coming." That's what what many refugees do at home in Germany. 19659008] Two hearts in one bad

One can also feel like: "Two hearts are beating in my chest, I live in Germany, but I feel connected to the east of Turkey." Özil particularly touched him: "If you succeed, you are a good German, if not a migrant."

He is not unconditionally behind the resigned national player. "I still find criticism of him legitimate." Özil is a footballer with a lack of diplomatic awareness.The fact that he qualifies this image of antipolitics with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is completely naive, "says Can "However, this does not justify legitimizing that he is discriminated against, marginalized and insulted racially."

Many celebrities share their experiences of daily racism at #MeTwo.

"When I am the only non-white in the crowded train, the police come in, and the only person to show their identity card is me," he writes "Spiegel" journalist Hasnain Kazim: The author has repeatedly published public hate messages that he receives regularly.

The former Green leader, Cem Özdemir, recounts how he laughed at school: the teacher asked which high school we wanted to go to. I raised my arm at the gym. The teacher laughed, then the whole clbad joined. My wish was one, my notes the other. In the 5th I came to high school. "

Foreign Minister Maas calls to raise the voice

Other politicians carefully follow the discussion in the network, the Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas was shocked.No problem, I recommend to read all the #Metwo tweets It's awesome and painful to know how many people here are making their voices heard, "said Maas." Let's raise our voices with them: against racism, no matter when and where. anywhere. "

Robert Habeck, President of the Green Party, sees more in the narrations As a unique destiny:" Language creates the world and reality, "tweeted Habeck. "The daily experiences of discrimination and racism under #metwo are not just personal stories, they are a political movement of recognition and respect Thank you."

50,000 postings in two days

The hashtag "MeTwo "has been tweeted more than 50,000 times since Wednesday, with at least one tweet per second sometimes dropped with the slogan, many messages becoming hundreds or even hundreds Divided thousands of times.

A victim describes a situation he has experienced at the supermarket: "Long queue at checkout.I say to the older man behind me:" You can go there. " "No thank you, I prefer to keep an eye on you."

Many daily performances

Another woman describes how her mother lived in a hotel when a stranger approached her: "My mother , the When on a business trip to a hotel in the corridors and the woman who comes to her and said, "You can now make my room happy."

But these are not just negative experiences that describe positive situations that helped and encouraged them

Here are some tweets selected for # MeTwo:

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