Two homeless people shot "


Two homeless men were burned in Berlin and seriously injured. According to the first results of the police, an unknown culprit paid the two men and their belongings Sunday evening in front of the Schöneweide station with a flammable liquid. Witnesses from a nearby snack bar came to help and extinguished the flames. A commission of murder resumed the investigation

Men aged 47 and 62 years could not be questioned because of their wounds of Kriminalpolizei, as told a spokesman . The victims are German citizens. At first, there was more information about them

. At night, experts from the Criminal Investigation Department investigated the crime scene. The photos show how they search for traces in the partially burned camp of the homeless, between carts, blankets, upholstery and clothes. Police checked whether the station's location was monitored by cameras.

"We are only aware of one author"

In the media on Monday, the first of two attackers was mentioned. A police spokesman said: "We only know one offender." This was the result of the first on-site investigation. If the perpetrators are probably from the right-wing extremist milieu or even from the homeless, they were still completely unknown on Monday.

The case recalls the fire of a homeless person on Christmas Eve 2016 who had been making headlines all over Germany. At that time, a group of young people in a Berlin subway station had tried to light a sleeping man with a lighter. The main culprit was found guilty of attempting dangerous aggression. The act was more the result of the boredom of young refugees and a dangerous group dynamic. It is estimated that there are between 4 000 and 10 000 homeless in Berlin

(APA / dpa)

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