Union and SPD block asylum package | TIME ONLINE


Berlin (dpa) – This is the end of a scary asylum dispute: the grand coalition has agreed on a package against illegal migration. It was mainly the head of the CSU and the Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer pushed.

"It's all from A to Z, as one would like to be a minister," said Seehofer on Thursday night after the agreement at a union reunion and SPD in Berlin. However, far fewer migrants are to be rejected at the border with Austria than initially planned by Seehofer. In addition, the SPD prevailed that in 2018, an immigration law should be launched to specifically recruit professionals.

Seehofer had threatened to resign Sunday in the internal conflict in the Union and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) calls for more rigor in refugee policy. But he could not carry it with unilateral refusals from people on the southern border, who have already sought asylum in another EU state . Seehofer should instead negotiate agreements with states, so that they take back those concerned.

Should agreements for the transit regime be used by federal police services near the border, "unless these persons are directly transferred to the transit center of Munich Airport? " in the unification newspaper of the grand coalition. As for the existing airport procedure, people would not legally enter Germany. The rejection should be done within 48 hours. The term up to here used by the Union and rejected by the SPD referred to as "transit centers" no longer appears in the document.

The procedure should only be used at the German-Austrian border – for this to work, bilateral agreements need to be negotiated, especially with Italy and Greece, from where the most of the migrants who have already applied for asylum.

Up to now, there are only about 150 cases per month in Bavaria to which the procedure could be applied. SPD leader Andrea Nahles stressed: "There will be no individual national efforts." Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz said the SPD hopes the start of the "summer theater" will be over.

Seehofer now talks about "transfer centers". When asked if the whole dispute was worthwhile, Mr Seehofer said: At the border, the rule of law will now be applied. "It does not matter to the mbades." It should also be clarified more quickly, which EU country is responsible for an asylum seeker. In addition, behind the borders – and at the national level, not only in Bavaria – more Schleierfahndungen and "other approaches to the intelligent border police" are planned. It also aims to attract more migrants already registered in another EU country and to take them immediately to anchor centers. This affects significantly more people than those who have already sought asylum elsewhere: Seehofer talked about 46,000 cases a year.

The document says: "The right to asylum does not include the right to choose the European country to receive asylum". The fast-track procedure for migrants who were registered only when they arrived in Italy or Greece, for example, should therefore be standardized in a separate regulation. Among others, the persons concerned should be the subject of a Residenzpflicht in the anchoring centers that remain to be established; they should not be distributed to municipalities. The Confederation also wants to reduce more and more the repatriation of refugees without stopping to visit countries. To speed up the return, the Confederation will offer this for cases of people who have already been registered in another EU country and who have come to one of the planned new anchor centers. There, the applicants for protection must go through the whole procedure of asylum – arrival, decision, communal distribution or repatriation (short: AnkER).

Before the breakthrough, the federal government had suffered some setbacks in the fight for a faster repatriation of people with no prospect of follow-up. Neither Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, whom Seehofer met on Thursday, nor Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who visited Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), may be forced to make concessions on the withdrawal of asylum seekers. 39; asylum.

The two consider themselves not responsible for asylum seekers who have already applied for asylum in another EU country. A similar deal with the first major country Italy seems almost hopeless, after the government in Rome has already blocked. "It will not be very easy negotiations," admits Mr Seehofer. In the end, he sees the responsibility for readmission agreements with other EU countries with Chancellor Merkel.

"I suppose that because of the complexity and the European dimension, in my opinion at the end, the key points of this agreement must be set by the heads of government," said the minister of # 39; Interior. However, Seehofer and Chancellor Kurz agreed that Austria and Germany want to work with Italy to close the Mediterranean route to refugees.

As early as next week, a meeting of the three ministers of the Interior of Germany, Austria and Italy is expected to take place in Innsbruck to discuss the sequence of events. "It is in the interest of Italy, but also of Austria and Germany, if the migratory pressure on this route is less," said the Chancellor Kurz.

Merkel's meeting with the head of the Hungarian government did not bring any approximation. Orban clarified that Hungary does not want to accept asylum seekers sent back by Germany under EU rules in Dublin: "Because Hungary is not the first point of entry into European territory, it is the first point of entry that is Greece. "Therefore, Germany must bring these people back to Greece and not in Hungary. By better protecting its southern border, Hungary takes Germany "a huge burden". Therefore, it was "unfair that we are often accused in Germany of lack of solidarity".

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