United Nations Pact on Migration: Federal President warns government against "loss of prestige"


United Nations Pact on Migration: Federal President warns government against "loss of prestige"

VIENNA. The dispute over national or international solutions is getting worse.

United Nations Pact on Migration: The Federal Government warned the government

Federal President Van der Bellen (with Chancellor Kurz and Vice Chancellor Strache): "All the while the Austrian Presidency of the European Union has a special responsibility". Image: APA

Clear words from the Hofburg: On Friday, the Federal President, Alexander Van der Bellen, reacted to the decision of the government of the VP-PF to stay out of the United Nations pact on migration. He wrote in a message on Facebook: "I sincerely hope that the Austrian government will do everything possible to prevent the imminent loss of the reputation and credibility of Austria at the international level."

The caveat is the latest highlight of the conflict over the non-legally binding agreement, which should define the principles governing the treatment of refugees and migrants. The pact will be signed by almost all member states at a UN conference in Morocco in early December.

The signing denies about half a dozen states, including the United States, Hungary, Croatia and Austria.

According to the Secretary General of the PF, Harald Vilimsky, Austria could play a "pioneering role". This shows "the strong writing of FP to the federal government".

> Video: Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen criticizes the VP-FP government's decision to withdraw from the UN Migration Pact. He is worried about the reputation of Austria.

The federal president totally disagrees. He welcomes the document that Austria has negotiated. It contains reasonable suggestions "how to deal with the challenges of migration through the eyes, humanity and control".

At the national level, the problems can not be solved. International cooperation is also part of the government program. In addition, Austria has a special responsibility as the current EU Presidency.

The republic, home to United Nations organizations, has "earned the reputation of being an active and reliable partner in the global community, and we should not take it lightly."

"A step in the isolation"

Similarly, Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell says. The absence of Austria was a "very bad news," wrote Borrell in the Twitter Short Message Service. The timing was also unfavorable. Leaving the pact "while occupying the EU presidency weakens the EU's position". "The challenge of migration" could only be addressed in the "broad international consensus".

Members of the CDU and Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn also criticized Kurz. This then mobilized the EU Minister, Gernot Blmel (VP). He called Asselborn a "politician who defends the 2015 home-failure policy".

56 writers and national artists also spoke yesterday. They described the federal government's attitude as "shame" and "not towards international isolation".

The CDU responds: what the brother's vice president says

The CDU is sufficient. "Again and again, false reports appear on the migration pact, which is why we are providing answers to the most important questions," said the German Democratic Party on Friday. Extracts from this article:

Do new obligations stem from the United Nations Pact on Migration?
No. This pact is not an international agreement, it is legally non-binding.

What is the added political value?
The Migration Pact strengthens the rules-based international order. The rejection of this order by US President Donald Trump is the reason why the US government has not signed this pact.

Is the sovereign right of states to regulate their national migration policies and ensure effective border management limited?
No, it's the opposite. The pact consolidates these rights of states. However, smuggling of migrants and trafficking in human beings must be fought across borders.

Is it true that criticism of immigration is prohibited?
Of course not. On the contrary, the free opinion should be protected.

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