United States: A man shot dead two women in a yoga studio


03.11.2018 07.50

Online since today, 07:50

A man shot two women in a yoga studio in Florida and later committed suicide. He also shot dead four others yesterday and beat a person with his gun, said Tallahbadee Police Chief Michael DeLeo.

The five wounded were transported to the hospital, three of which have already been released. The condition of the other two is stable. The two women killed were 21 and 61 years old. The alleged gunman was 40 years old.

DeLeo said that it was proven that some people in the studio were beaten and had tried to save not only themselves but also others. It's proof of his courage. All signs indicated that it was a single offender and that there was no danger to the population, DeLeo said. 40 witnesses were interviewed. But he could not say anything about the crime.

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