United States demands truce in Yemen


31.10.2018 06.49

Online since today, 6:49

The United States has called for a ceasefire and peace talks in civilian Yemen within 30 days. Peace efforts are needed now, US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said yesterday in Washington.

"We all want to see the negotiating table on the basis of a ceasefire." He badumes that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, involved in the conflict in Yemen, are ready to do so.

14 million people at risk of hunger

In Yemen, since 2014, there is a war between Iranian-backed Huthi-backed Shiite rebels and President Abd Rabbo Mansur Hadi's troops, backed by Saudi Arabia and other Arab states. The conflict has already killed about 10,000 people.

The humanitarian situation is catastrophic. The United Nations has recently warned that up to 14 million people in the country are at risk of starvation.

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