Unsuccessful alarm investigation: Attack on Grazer Wettcafe


In the Lend district of Graz, a Paris cafe was attacked on Monday night. Although an emergency investigation was opened immediately, the culprit was able to escape. Police are now looking for witnesses

09:23, 16 July 2018

Subject Picture © ​​Kleine Zeitung / Helmuth Weichselbraun

[19659009] In On Monday night, shortly after half past midnight, a stranger entered a betting cafe in Graz-Lend and threatened an employee with a knife. The man has captured a cash amount in an amount still unknown. The police immediately launched an alert investigation – but this was not conclusive. The employee remained unscathed

Now the Graz police looking for eyewitnesses: The alleged perpetrator is about two feet tall, has a strong stature, speaks an Austrian accent, wore a black tracksuit, white gloves and a dark backpack

The State Office for Criminal Investigations of Styria asks for evidence at the telephone number 059 133-60-3333. [ad_2]
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