Unterklien career: citizens climb barricades – Dornbirn –


27.07.2018 21:07

(Law 27.07.2018 21:07)

  Resistance to mining plans. "Title =" Resistance to mining plans. "/>
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Resistance to mining plans
© VOL.AT / Hofmeister

Against the expected expansion of the Unterklian quarry there is mbadive resistance: A citizens' initiative wants to prevent the expansion of all its strengths.

A citizens' initiative announced a resistance to plans for the expansion of the Hohenbruch Unterklien quarry operated by Rhomberg, as reported by the ORF. Rhomberg had announced that the quarry would be developed underground using a special process. The traditional Vorarlberg society is planning a moderate development in the south-west of the existing quarry. This means that nearly six million cubic meters of rock can be extracted in six steps over the next 30 years.

Citizen initiative worries about security

The citizens' initiative justifies its resistance by its concern for the safety of its citizens. The spokesman for Christian Reich initiatives is aware of state government announcements – that even says that an extension of mining areas is needed – from the badumption that a extension of mining is approved. This makes the Reich incomprehensible: "All the more so as the project has been treated the same way before and that it has been rejected by three of the four official procedures," he said at "l & # 3939; ; ORF ". There is no opinion, which confirms that the area is geologically stable. Rhomberg has calmed down and wants to launch a voluntary badessment of the impact on the environment.

The city of Dornbirn also considers enlargement as a critical phenomenon

The city of Dornbirn also criticizes plans for expansion. It is here that lies the Klien pumping station. This belongs to the Dornbirn water plant. Under no circumstances should this drinking water be dispensed. "The watershed is outside the valley.In case of disaster, such as an oil spill, the Klien pumping station is accessible at any time," says Gebhard Greber (SPÖ)

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