Up to 14 million euros planned for the foundation «DiePresse.com


The industrial base planned for the 1,200 AMS language trainers and teachers concerned by the austerity program could be endowed with 14 million euros. About half of them should come from the public employment service and training companies, reports Thursday the Ö1 "Mittagsjournal" of the ORF radio station. Unemployed language trainers and teachers would receive unemployment benefits through this foundation for up to three years if they undertook training or retraining. The Professional Association of Employers of Private Education Institutions (BABE) welcomes the establishment of an industrial foundation. The relevant German teachers would probably need to retrain and could perhaps be used in digitization clbades, said Michael Sturm, president of BABE and CEO of BFI, in the "Mittagsjournal".

Job foundations are created when many employees in a sector or company lose their jobs. Recently, foundations have been created for employees in the sector (including Zielpunkt's insolvency) and for bank employees. The foundation should help in the search for a new job or a new education.

Due to the austerity measures taken by the public employment service, about 900 trainers and 300 language teachers will lose their jobs, said the Minister of Social Affairs, Beate Hartinger-Klein, according to a correspondence Parliament last Tuesday at the Parliament's Committee on Accounts. According to Hartinger-Klein, there is a reduction because the demand for courses is falling because of the lower number of unemployed. But this argument is at odds with the teacher's representative, Sturm: In any case, you need coaches, because language courses for recognized refugees are needed and, because of the lack of skilled labor in industry, tourism and commerce, there must be more training courses.

The Ministry of Social Affairs expects that about half of the 1,200 AMS language trainers and teachers involved will participate in the "foundation-like measure". "Experience shows that almost half of this offer will be needed," said Social Affairs Minister Marko Knöble.

Above all, the work base should provide guidance and qualification. "The discussion and decision on this matter are scheduled for the AMS funding committee on December 6. Details are being developed," said Knöbl. The measure for unemployed language trainers and teachers will start in the first quarter of 2019.


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