US Environmental Protection Agency Pruitt has resigned |


The powerful EPA chief has been in his under a year and a half in office by allegations that he had wasted taxpayer money and abused his office for personal interests, made the headlines. Nevertheless, Trump praised the 50-year-old for a "remarkable job": "I will always be grateful to him," wrote the chairman of the Twitter short message service. He did not name the reasons for the departure of the head of the EPO.

According to Trump, the leadership of the authorities should now temporarily take control of EPA deputy director Andrew Wheeler. Like Pruitt, Wheeler is a friend of fossil fuels such as coal and oil.

"I have no doubt that Andy will continue with our formidable and sustainable EPA agenda," Trump tweeted about the Acting EPO Chief. For example, Pruitt launched last October the abolition of the climate protection plan of former President Barack Obama, which provided for a significant reduction in harmful carbon dioxide emissions for power plants. In April, the EPA chief announced plans to reduce fuel consumption and emissions from new cars.

Despite the series of scandals, Trump has shown no distance to Pruitt for a long time. In June, however, he said he was not happy with some things with the EPA. The day before Pruit's resignation, the White House became clearer. A spokesman said the allegations of breach of ethical standards of governance were "disturbing" against the director of the EPO, said a spokesman

Pruitt was charged, inter alia, with undue privileges and operated for private interests. to have. The employees who objected, he should have punished. The allegations were the subject of an investigation by several authorities, including the Inspector General of his own home, and Congress

. The head of the EPO was criticized last year, especially for overpriced or private air travel. Later, it was announced that he had been installed for $ 43,000 (37,000 euros) in his office, which critics criticize as a loss of money.

In addition, Pruitt rents a lobbyist in an expensive neighborhood of the capital who was in negotiations with the EPA. According to the media, he also repeatedly asked members of his staff to do private things to him – for example, looking for another house or to help his wife find a job or to obtain information. tickets for sporting events. The government was Pruitt for many years Attorney General of the Federal State of West Oklahoma, where oil production plays a major role. In that office, he vehemently fought against the EPA – this is why his subsequent appointment as Director of the Authority was alarming news for environmentalists.

(APA / ag.)

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