US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo travels to North Korea | TIME ONLINE


Seoul / Washington (AP) – About three weeks after its historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, US President Donald Trump again sends Minister of Foreign Affairs Mike Pompeo to Pyongyang .

Talks with communist leaders focus on concrete steps to dismantle North Korea's nuclear program. Pompeo broke out Thursday after North Korea and will remain until Saturday, as announced by the US State Department. It's already the third visit of the former director of the CIA in a few months in this internationally isolated country.

The talks come at a time when new doubts have emerged in the United States about the seriousness of [Jarmin's disarmament protests. In the United States, it was learned that North Korea was working on new uranium enrichment activities. The highly enriched uranium can be used for the production of nuclear weapons. The White House and the US State Department stated that they knew the concerns and that they were watching them.

The State Department did not make any specific statements about the nature and timing of the talks. That he comes to a Pompeo meeting with Kim Jong Un, was initially unclear.

Kim reaffirmed his desire for "complete denuclearization" at the summit with Trump on June 12 in Singapore. However, we still do not know how and when disarmament should take place. Trump had promised North Korea, among other things, "security guarantees".

There are also doubts about Kim's demands for disarmament in South Korea. Military forces in South Korea and US badumed that the controversial Yongbyon nuclear complex in North Korea would be exploited normally, opposition MP Kim Hack Yong said, according to the agency. Yonhap national press on Thursday. The former chairman of the defense committee appealed to the Ministry of Defense in Seoul. In Yongbyon, among other things, there is a nuclear reactor capable of producing plutonium for the production of weapons and an enrichment plant.

There are also indications that North Korea is building a new submarine from which ballistic missiles could be fired, the MP said. Ballistic missiles are generally ground-to-ground missiles, particularly nuclear missiles.

Pompeo will travel from Pyongyang to Tokyo, where he will meet with South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung Wha and his Japanese counterpart Taro Kono on Sunday. Discussions focus on promoting cooperation between the three states on the problem of North Korea.

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