US television presenter Nauert to become ambassador to the UN


01.11.2018 22:19

Online since yesterday, 22:19

Former TV presenter Heather Nauert would be the new US ambbadador to the United Nations (UN) replacing the outgoing Nikki Haley. President Donald Trump offered the job at 48, Fox News broadcaster announced. The Wall Street Journal and CNN also cited government sources.

"We are seriously thinking about it," said the president yesterday about the former presenter. Nauert was one of the most well-known faces of Fox's news channel, since becoming the national channel. As a member of a team, she hosted the popular "Fox & Friends" breakfast format, controversial because of her one-sided political stance.

American television presenter Heather Nauert

APA / AFP / Almond Ngan

Deputy Foreign Minister Rex Tillerson Nauert changed in 2017 as spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As a secretary of state, the mother of two sons is now at the table of important international negotiations. His diplomatic experience is limited to one and a half years. However, she is considered extremely loyal to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Trump.

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