Van der Bellen continues under the fire of the FPÖ


"Frustrated Grüner", called Harald Vilimsky – secretary general of the FPÖ – in the interview AUSTRIA. Behind the scenes, the Blues back him in his attacks on Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, and now the Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen, of course, clearly

Vilimsky wrote after a hesitant appearance of the 39, European man of "tripping Juncker". , Phrases that have been applauded on Facebook, but have provoked international anger.

Finally, Van der Bellen criticized Thursday these "foul attacks" that "would damage the reputation of Austria."

ÖVP Hofburg

This has now encouraged the FPÖ to renew: Van der Bellen "obviously wants to help political parties to help his defeated friends in Parliament," Vilimsky said yesterday. Juncker, on the other hand, demanded "respect" and mocked the "many science fiction experts in Austria".

The leadership of the ÖVP, on the other hand, currently chairs the EU, silent on Blues attacks on Juncker and the Federal President

Attacks, which are certainly not a coincidence. Finally, the European elections will be held in 2019. Vilimsky is likely to become the best blue candidate and hopes to win votes in the old style of blue attack.

There is a split in the ÖVP: While one party is "dismayed by the attacks on Juncker", another part of the VP is bored Van der Bellen had also criticized the "silence" of the Chancellery. Chancellor Kurz himself hopes to calm the conflict

EU leader Juncker will not present a "fitness newsletter"

However, a "fitness newsletter" will not be released, according to a door – AUSTRIA juncker parcel. He referred to the huge program of work of the President of the Commission. This proves how resilient Juncker is and how intense his work program is: the EU-China summit in Beijing on Monday. Tuesday, EU-Japan summit in Tokyo. Then return flight to Brussels. Thursday summit in Madrid. Juncker is due to travel to Washington on July 25 to meet with US President Trump.

Nerves inflamed as a result of an accident

Coma. Once again, it was pointed out that the cause of Juncker's weakness at the NATO summit had nothing to do with alcohol. It was a painful sciatic attack.

Juncker suffers from inflammation of the sciatic nerve since a road accident in 1990, after two weeks in a coma. The resulting severe pain can spread all over the musculoskeletal system and paralyze the legs.

Nevertheless, Juncker will complete all planned trips and appointments in the coming months.

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