Van der Bellen registers the right for indexation


Van der Bellen registers the right for indexation

VIENNA. Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen signed Monday the law on the indexation of family allowances despite serious concerns.

"However, I very much doubt that this law is also in line with EU legislation," said Van der Bellen.

The head of state had specifically obtained an opinion on this. According to the foregoing, Van der Bellen only has to declare with his signature whether a law has been established by the Constitution. Violations of the law of the Union are not within its competence.

Complementary exam

The way in which Van der Bellen will judge the recent law on social insurance reform has not yet been determined. The previous week, the ÖVP and the FPÖ had adopted a social security law authorizing Social Affairs Minister Beate Hartinger-Klein to carry out "preparatory work" for the reform of the social security system. 39, health insurance even before the coming into force of the relevant laws. The opposition has lathered and called on the federal president not to certify the law. Predecessor Heinz Fischer had not signed an amendment to the Industry Code in 2008 because of an error.

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