Vandals heavily damaged statues of St. Burgenland


According to recent inquiries, the Burgenland police currently badume that vandalism occurred between June 28 and July 6.

Unknown: Two statues of stone saints and a heavy pedestal on Neusiedl am See's Calvary damaged

The demolished statues depict St. Mary and St. John. The sculptures were broken off the nose as well as all the fingers and parts of the base.

According to police, the cost of restoring damaged statues could rise to just under 3,000 euros. In addition, the sculptures are not covered by any insurance

Property damage is a criminal offense

Investigators have already started with forensics and are now meticulously researching the perpetrators.

Trivial offense, but a criminal offense. Often they are committed by groups. It is not uncommon for children and young people to be led to uncontrolled collective behavior under the pressure of their peers. Often this is compounded by the consumption of alcohol

Crime Prevention Tips

• If you observe someone who damages public or private facilities, dial 133

• If not allowed Graffiti is material damage. Avoid going to the police!

• Illumination combined with motion detectors or CCTV to remedy the situation

• Demonstrate your own behavior in dealing with public and private property.

• Clarify your child about the consequences of vandalism – especially about the fact that it is about criminal offenses and are prosecuted accordingly.

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