Vassilakou successor: waiting for results –


It soon becomes clear who will succeed Maria Vbadilakou as number one of the Viennese Greens – and therefore also as vice-mayor and councilor: the counting of votes after the party's postal vote in the early evening

According to the party, it is planned to publish the result as soon as possible. The new number one will appear on Tuesday during an appearance in the public media.

3,397 electors decide

Who makes the race, he decided to 3,397 people entitled to vote – party members and external voters who have registered in advance for a fee. The vote – a first for the Greens of Vienna – is done by letter. The ballots were sent about two weeks ago and had to be returned to Monday at 5 pm For latecomers, for whom the postal service is no longer available, have established a polling station Monday at the party headquarters in Lindengbade. Item 17.00 was the election deadline.

Candidates for the highest elections of the Greens of Vienna, from left to right: Benjamin Kaan, David Ellensohn, Marihan Abensperg-Traun, Birgit Hebein and Peter Kraus at a 1st hearing

APA / Hochmuth

Two candidates and three candidates vie for first place

Then the counting started. To win, you need a simple majority – at least 50% plus one vote. Since it is unlikely that this goal will be achieved immediately against five competitors, the Greens have integrated in their mode of choice, so to speak, a runoff option ("Instant Runoff System"). This means that voters can not only put their favorites on the ballot, but also rank the other candidates according to their preferences.

In evaluation, the first votes are counted first. If there is no clear winner, the candidate with the least first votes will be eliminated. From this retired stack now the second votes come in the train, they are awarded to the remaining candidates as the first vote based on the entry. This procedure is repeated until the winner is clearly established – for more information about this, the green leader: The second votes decide.

National Assembly on December 1st

Two candidates and three candidates vie for the first position of the Greens of Vienna. Vbadilakou announced in September his withdrawal by the summer of 2019 at the latest – there are more in Vbadilakou. Their successor is club chief David Ellensohn, councilors Birgit Hebein and Peter Kraus, Meidling district councilor Benjamin Kaan and doctor Marihan Abensperg-Traun. The last two are only external opportunities granted – more in Green Peak: five candidates, five shots.

The highest candidate in front of his own base could already be completed by the highest candidate at the National Assembly on Saturday, December 1st. At the meeting of the largest body of the town hall, the Greens are also discussed and decided at best, according to the mode according to which the remaining places for the election of Vienna will be awarded.


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