Verdi: Thousands of real employees stop working


"The wage battle": According to Verdi, nearly half of Real's 281 stores participated in protests against management. Photo: David Young

© David Young

M. Verdi called for a strike on the 34,000 workers in the supermarket chain. Employees from about 140 branches followed the call. Nevertheless, according to the company all stores remained open.

Berlin / Dusseldorf (dpa) – Several thousand employees of the supermarket chain Real have, according to the union Verdi, the work established. They protested against the reduction in salaries of newly appointed employees.

"We fight for wages that allow us to live," said Stefanie Nutzberger, member of the Verdi Federal Council in Berlin. However, despite the strikes, all the stores remained open, as the company announced.

The union called the approximately 34,000 employees of the Real supermarket chain across Germany to strike. According to Verdi, about half of Real's 281 stores participated in strikes, demonstrations and rallies.

The strike was triggered by the management's decision to say goodbye to the collective agreements reached with Verdi and to recruit new employees. pay a collective agreement with the DHV union, which is much cheaper for the company. That means an average of 23% less money for those affected, Nutzberger said, adding, "These wages directly lead to employee poverty."

The boss of the parent company, Olaf Koch, accuses the union against collective bargaining Blocked for years by a competitive compensation structure in the supermarket chain in difficulty. The previous collective agreements would have charged Real significantly higher labor costs than they would have to bear for many competitors. This was no longer acceptable to Real, Koch recently defended the company's step. Real now pay the newly hired employees in line with the market. Even before the rate change, the staff had no losses.

Despite the national strike, according to the company, all the real markets are open. But it could happen to customers that the counters of fresh meat or fresh fish are closed. Real pointed out that the company was prepared for exceptional situations of this kind.

Verdi sees the group's approach as an attempt to solve the company's problems to the detriment of its employees. "It is outrageous to ask employees to pay for past mismanagement of such cuts and disproportionate wage cuts," said Nutzberger

Verdi on Strikes

Real on Strikes

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