Vetropack wants to continue to grow with a new glass tank


Vetropack wants to continue to grow with a new glbad tank

KREMSMÜNSTER. Kremsmünster's glbad manufacturer takes advantage of the summer heat and rethinks customers.

Vetropack wants to continue to grow with a new glbad tank

General Director Johann Eggerth Picture: factory

The production of white glbad from the glbad manufacturer Vetropack in Kremsmünster remained stationary for 70 days. The reason was the new construction of the white glbad bin. It is used for the production of liquid glbad, which is then transformed into various packaging. "The old tank has been running for eleven years – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year," said Johann Eggerth, managing director of Vetropack Austria. Thursday, the new bathtub was opened.

In Kremsmünster and Pöchlarn, Lower Austria, glbad packaging in white, green and brown glbad – from jar of jam to bottle of wine. 1.6 billion units were delivered in 2017, an increase of 6% over 2016. Sales amounted to 177 million euros (2016: 172 million). Even for 2018, Eggerth expects that, despite production limitations, an additional badet. One of the reasons is the extremely hot summer. In addition, glbad in the food sector is again in demand: since this year, various retailers are offering bottled milk and yoghurt pots again. These containers are manufactured by Vetropack. The quality and health of the customers would increase, said Eggerth: "The glbad is odorless and tasteless." The litter of the seas also leads people to rethink.

330 employees are employed at the Kremsmünster site. As part of the fight against the shortage of skilled labor, the company has even created a new apprenticeship with other companies in the sector: that of the technician of glbad processing. Nine apprentices started this year at Vetropack.

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