Vienna City Center checks the introduction of access restrictions «


The city center of Vienna may soon be harder to reach by car. The district is considering the introduction of access restrictions. That's what director Markus Figl (ÖVP) reported Friday in a conversation with reporters. He commissioned the District Traffic Commission to develop a concept

Figl pointed out that such models already exist in other cities. He promised to involve the district residents in the procedure anyway. Without the consent of the people, no measure would be applied: "Because I do not say apodictic, that must be the solution."

"No prohibition of thinking"

The entry restrictions discussed in the concept of traffic are open. "From my point of view, there must be no prohibition to think," said the head of the municipal district Figl. He himself does not want to influence the discussion in advance with ideas expressed publicly. In any case, structural measures such as landmarks or number barriers such as tolls are not excluded.

The field of application is not defined either. The fact that the area inside the ring road is affected is obvious, the reach beyond – the first district of Vienna reaches the so-called two lines – should not be exempted from examination, he said. , is not yet fixed. We would not rush in time, he stressed. How the barriers to entry would be implemented, so that wants to occupy the chief city after the finalization of the concept. It was then necessary to discuss legally whether the district could introduce the measures alone.

Vbadilakou congratulates

If he needs the mayor, at least the signs of cooperation currently exist. Transport advisor Maria Vbadilakou (Green Party) congratulated Figl in a statement sent to the Austrian press agency and said that she wanted to work with the district: "I'm glad we do not want to waste time together, which is not possible but work together on the "big picture" – namely a concept of important traffic for the city center. "

The relationship between the councilor and the city center was tense at the end . There was talk of nearby parking lots or the future of Rotenturmstraße, which could be converted into a meeting area – by which Figl complained mostly not to be involved in the final stages.

Figl plane – apart from the issue of access restrictions a concept of zoning or use for important areas of downtown. He then said that he could talk about the actual design, that is, meeting areas, he said.


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