Viennese Greens: Birgit Hebein becomes the new leader


Aged 51, she will be not only the first candidate in the election of Vienna 2020, but also the new vice mayor, the municipal councilor for Transport Maria Vbadilakou, recently announced that she would retire until Next summer to make way for the future first candidate.

Expertise in the social field

Hebein has been a member of the local council since 2010 and is his spokesman for social affairs and security. Previously, she was district councilor and club employee in Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus for five years. In addition, Hebein was active from 2000 to 2002 with the AUGE Green Union. Prior to her political career, the graduate social worker worked in the social service of the Caritas Vienna station and the consortium of conscientious objectors.

In his professional life, Hebein's content remained faithful to his political life. It focuses on poverty reduction and social justice. She cites youth training, homelessness treatment and minimum income as examples of her work priorities. As a social spokesperson, Hebein played a key role in the negotiations on the new social security model of Vienna last year. The prohibition of alcohol on the Praterstern, implemented by the SPÖ, sharply criticized it.

Benjamin Kaan, David Ellensohn, Marihan Abensperg-Traun, Birgit Hebein and Peter Kraus (Viennese Greens)

APA / Georg Hochmuth

Benjamin Kaan, David Ellensohn, Marihan Abensperg-Traun, Hebein and Peter Kraus ran in the election

Still in the internal election campaign, she focused on social policy. "Without social security, there is no social peace," she said. As a political goal, she exclaimed "to give people the opportunity to determine their own destiny". In addition, Hebein pointed out that she was the only woman among the established candidates: "the future is a woman" was the motto of her campaign spot. As an "obstinate negotiator", hard and experienced, she describes herself: her youth spent the daughter of a bricklayer and a housewife in a small village in Carinthia. She lives today with her two children in the fifteenth arrondissement.

Two weeks to vote

Hebelein will be officially presented Tuesday at a press conference. There, the details of the vote will be announced. Because the Greens innovated with the postal vote, they opted for a relatively complex mode.

In addition to Hebein, five people stood up to vote, namely City Hall Club Director, David Ellensohn, Councilor Peter Kraus, Meidling District Council, Benjamin Kaan and Dr. Marihan Abensperg-Traun . For two weeks, party members and registered external voters had time to vote. Some 3,400 people were eligible to vote. Those wishing to vote in person could do so on Monday in a polling station at the party headquarters in Lindengbade. As the party announced on Monday, 2,600 people finally took part in the green polls.

Test for the new voting mode

Victory requires a simple majority – at least 50% plus one vote. As it is unlikely at first sight in the face of five competitors, the Greens have built some sort of run-off in the mode. In this system known as "instant run-off", voters not only name their favorite, but also rank the other candidates.

If there is no clear winner in the evaluation of the first votes, the count will continue, taking into account the ranked names – and this until the winner is clearly determined. . This system was used today – the details will be announced on Tuesday.

Until now, elections have always been made by the largest party committee, the state badembly. This will take place next Saturday, Hebein will deliver his inaugural speech. Delegates will then continue the debate on the procedure for creating the list. For the new mode was for the moment only the procedure for the best candidate. If a similar system is also used in the ranking of the remaining seats or in the details, this will be decided first.

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