Vigil for homeless people lit in Berlin


After two homeless people in Berlin were burned and seriously injured, about 150 people attended a vigil tonight. The two men living on the streets (47 and 62 years old) were sprayed with a flammable liquid the previous night on the forecourt of the Schöneweide station. been turned on. They suffered severe burns and are hospitalized. Visitors to a nearby snack shop probably saved their lives with a fire extinguisher. Up to here, there is no trace of the culprit

In front of the crime scene, there was a sign saying: "Grief – anger – solidarity". People have laid flowers and candles. Donations for the homeless were collected in a small bowl. Even the homeless, but also many young people came to the vigil. Pbaders by the station building paused in the silent memory. The rally was peaceful, police said.

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