Vilimsky fights in the Juncker conflict – News


Liberal Party Secretary General and Member of Parliament Harald Vilimsky reappeared Saturday and reaffirmed his call for the resignation of European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker. As a reminder, Vilimsky believes that Juncker was drunk at the NATO summit on Wednesday. The official version: Juncker suffers from sciatic pain after a car accident 30 years ago, he did not feel well that day

"Many European media and politicians diagnose exactly the right medical diagnosis, Jean Claude Juncker suffers only from sciatica.The previous reports of his alleged alcohol problem were, as always, just the usual anti-EU propaganda, I read as a layman in the symptoms of sciatica problems something " , Vilimsky shot in a Facebook post. "However, I have not found such anomalies and patterns of merry behavior, but you will never learn." He added to Juncker a video compilation of bizarre situations

Vilimsky adds: "Seriously, as chairman of the Commission, one should have a particular responsibility and be subject to a critical evaluation superior to the average. "

provoke indignation in European politics. From the point of view of Commission spokesperson, Margaritis Schinas, it is "unpleasant" to exploit Juncker's pain and to speculate on alcohol problems

against a respectful approach towards people , which must also be considered in the political debate, "he says. "An apology from Mr. Vilimsky is the least we can expect."

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