Vilimsky's attack on VdB and Juncker


He was an agitator of the week: FPÖ Secretary General Harald Vilimsky – he sits in the European Parliament – accused the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, of being drunk on top of l & # 39; NATO. Despite the fact that Juncker has only suffered a sciatic attack, the FPÖ has been part of it ever since. And when Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen Vilimsky testified in an "unprecedented" tone, he fought back: The President was only a "frustrated Grüner".

In Austria, Vilimsky is now shouting, calling for Juncker's resignation. And: He announces cooperation with populist Lega and other EU critics for the European elections. Those who – all – have undertaken to destroy the EU …

AUSTRIA: You have subordinated Juncker to alcoholism and described the federal president as "frustrated". Are you the bad guy in politics?

Harald Vilimsky : The discussion on Jean-Claude Juncker has been going on for years. What bothers me so much is its way of performing in public. Light slaps and slaps to the state leaders or Orbán publicly denounce him as a dictator. I do not like it.

AUSTRIA: Do you want to stay there and start again?

Vilimsky : Yes. Can any one watch on Youtube. I am known to express openly and directly my opinion.

AUSTRIA: But that is an opinion. You do not know if Juncker was drunk.

Vilimsky : Only a person who measures alcohol can do it. The way it has been presented for years is embarrbading for Europe as its centralist position in the EU is no longer in the majority.

AUSTRIA: Do you want an alcohol test?

Vilimsky : No. But he should take off the hat because of his embarrbading politics and appearances. [AUSTRIA:EvenwithVDByou'reventoattack-thePresidentiscalleda"Greensfrustré"?

Vilimsky : Auch I did not throw the first stone there. It was Van der Bellen, and he used unpleasant words.

AUSTRIA: Are you frustrated?

Vilimsky : The Greens left Parliament. AUSTRIA: But the cooperation between the president and the government was so good. Is all this broken now?

Vilimsky : My personal relationship with him has never been good. He does not seem to like it when I take a critical stance from the EU. That's why he refused me as Minister.

AUSTRIA: An old enmity, then?

Vilimsky : Not at all, I see that without pbadion.

AUSTRIA: There is talk of a joint Lega, FPÖ and National Front candidacy in the European elections

Vilimsky : We have been in union with Salvini for years. Alliance – after the European elections, there should be a broad alliance. The EU must be reformed. More skills towards members (gü)

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