Vorarlberg: Police demand damage to property – Vorarlberg –


13.07.2018 20:35

(Law 13.07.2018 20:35)

  Graffiti sprayers have been used more and more in Hohenems in recent days.

More graffiti sprayers have traveled to Hohenems in recent days.
© VOL.AT / Klaus Hartinger, Vorarlberg Police

Police search for several property damage in Hohenems witnesses.

Between Tuesday, July 10th from 8:30 pm and Wednesday, July 11th at 6am, an author until then unknown has damaged graffiti at the supplier's entrance as well as two shop windows of a grocery store. Hohenems Nibelungenstraße. In addition, the warehouse entrance of a bakery on Rudolf-von-Ems-Straße was pulverized. On Fridays, graffiti was reported at Herrenried Elementary School and the Special Education Center

© Polizei Vorarlberg

Graffiti is a green or red lettering with various recognition features, which clarify the connection between them. These are the words "RUP" or "RUP Crew". In addition to various arrows – most of the time there are three arrows – is also a crown or ring above the logo to see

Police request clues: Hohenems Police Inspection +43 (0 ) 59 133 8142

! Vorarlberg

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