Vorarlberger in Tirol stabbed: Application for U-Haft against 24 year olds – Vorarlberg –


26.11.2018 21:11

(Act 26.11.2018 21:16)


After the deadly knife attack on a 21-year-old Vorarlberg night, on Sunday, Innsbruck prosecutor filed a detention application on 24-year-old suspects Monday night. The magistrate now has 48 hours to rule on this request, said prosecutor Thomas Willam's spokesman at APA.

Innsbruck. At 24, he continues to deny any connection to crime. "According to the police, the responsible prosecutor records video recordings, but it is obvious that the author of the offense is most likely the 24-year-old," Willam said. The prosecution had therefore made a request for detention in suspicion.

Concrete indices

During the investigation, "hard evidence" revealed that the act in question might have been linked to a case of addictive substances in a restaurant of the restaurant "Bogenmeile" of Innsbruck, said LKA researcher Christoph Hundertpfund. In the investigation of several members of this group from Vorarlberg, with which the however, aged 21 was traveling to, no other evidence had been shown.

According to Hundertpund, the autopsy revealed that the 21-year-old had been killed with a single stab at the neck. In any case, the murder weapon was a stabbed weapon, probably a knife, explained the investigator.

Hounded and stabbed

The 21-year-old arrived in Innsbruck Saturday with eight people to his knowledge in a train from Vorarlberg at 22 hours. Around 0.30 pm, the group went to a restaurant in the "Bogenmeile", which they left about 45 minutes later. Then a man followed the group up to the intersection Ing. Etzel-Straße / Museum Street. There, this violent police attacked the 21-year-old, the last of the group, in a totally unexpected and surprising way.

The Vorarlberger was immediately after first aid by an ambulance delivered to the clinic in Innsbruck. There, he succumbed a little later but his serious injuries.

The author fled immediately after the foot attack to the north. As a result of an emergency investigation, the executive arrested two Afghans temporarily. One of them, aged 20, was finally released. His 24-year-old fellow was, however, taken to the police detention center. Monday night he was taken to Innsbruck Prison.

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