Wanderer is crushed in East Tyrol 300 meters


A 55-year-old German crashed Friday at 300 miles (300 meters) on steep, rocky terrain in Prägraten, East Tyrol, and he died mortally. The man should have slipped on a wet runway, the police said. The helicopter ambulance could determine that the death of the 55-year-old athlete

The German had made a hike on the Alpenkönigweg in the direction from Essener Rostocker Hütte when he slipped to 13 o'clock and then crashed several times. Companions of the man quickly alerted the rescuers, but any help came too late for him. The 55-year-old mountaineer was rescued with the police helicopter with the support of mountain rescue.

A 39-year-old mountaineer from Germany was seriously injured in a crash Friday at the Kitzsteinhorn (Pinzgau). The man fell on the descent above the "Füthermoaralm" about 15 meters in depth and remained motionless in a stream bed. His two escorts fired him out of the water and alerted the rescue teams, police and mountain rescue reported in press releases.

"He was badly injured and we knew that only a helicopter rescue would save his life" Mountain Rescuer, Thomas Etzer, the situation. At the climb exposed at about 2400 meters, the 39-year-old man slid on the steep steps below the Kammerscharte along the creek and crashed. Due to rain and fog, helicopter use was initially impossible. Eight mountain rescuers leave on foot with an ambulance for the seriously wounded. It took about an hour for the rescue team to get up. A small weather window was used by the team at the Alpin Heli 6 and brought the German by the dew from the mountain. The man was flown to the hospital in Zell am See.


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