Watch out, detectives !: Tom Turbo is 25 years old


The first episode of "Tom Turbo" aired on September 17, 1993 on ORF. On Saturday, the anniversary is celebrated in detail. For the suspense, Brezina provides next to the television series also in the same series of books.

The "Turbo trick suck and blow"

Up to now, 407 episodes of the detective series for young detectives have been produced, nine of which will be broadcast on ORF from 9 am onwards. But even Brezina looks at a few stars and celebrities over the last 25 years, after all, personalities such as Cornelius Obonya, Dagmar Koller and Ingrid Thurnher for the format presented in front of the camera.

Thomas Brezina cycling Tom Turbo

ORF / Günther Pichlkostner

Thomas Brezina and Tom Turbo for a birthday

Finally, on Sunday, at 9:40, there will be the movie "Tom Turbo – From 0 to 111". Real fans already know what to expect: "Turbo Puster, turbo tip for dishwashers, turbo-reduction trick, turbo overdrive, turbo suck and blow". If that means nothing, he can bridge the gap in education over the weekend.

Detectives must obstruct

At the heart of "Tom Turbo" has always been the participative element. Who can answer the questions, who solves a handful of puzzles correctly, has the code. And who has the code, can win all that is possible, which gives pleasure to fans of Tom Turbo. Pbadive TV consumption, the series is certainly not.

Brezina herself debuted on ORF's children's television at another time. He wrote radio stories and plays at bedtime for radio and worked as badistant director for "Am dam des" – a popular afternoon show including a magician, a clown and a goose.

A question of generation

In addition, its sunny nature and insults, particularly on Instagram, have long been the indispensable counterweight to dull world politics. And commented by his supporters with a sweet mockery, the author of children's books and businessman Brezina is a cult figure, where he continues to build with an unshakeable good mood. His success and behavior is a phenomenon in adult literature at most comparable to a Dan Brown, whose books are torn by criticism but devoured by millions of readers.

Brezina adds that it is far from being a purely Austrian phenomenon: it works worldwide, from Brazil to China, from Spain to Turkey. His books have been translated into more than 35 languages.

Brezina continues to write on the Knickerbocker series, there are a total of 100 adventures. He had even submitted an adult thesis last. "The old spirits rest unceremoniously", twenty years after the teenage quarrel. The messages of a mysterious sender attract the adult knickerbockers to a meeting that they would not have decided under normal circumstances.

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