"We are in agreement" «DiePresse.com


A solution emerges in the asylum dispute between the CDU and CSU in Germany. Horst Seehofer, Minister of the Interior and head of the CSU, appeared Monday night in Berlin, after lengthy negotiations in the House Konrad Adenauer, in front of reporters and announced no details of an agreement brothers parties, but after all, "We accepted."

Satisfied that he would be Minister of the Interior. There was a "clear agreement" between the CDU and the CSU, he said, the negotiations in Berlin were "very intense" on the theme: "How to prevent illegal migration at the border between the ULC and the CSU". Germany and Austria. " Seehofer had announced his withdrawal, he is now off the table.

"Really good compromise"

Even Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) expressed Monday night. She said that she believed that "after a hard battle and hard days, we found a very good compromise today." "This is the very spirit of the partnership in the EU, and at the same time a decisive step to organize and control the secondary movements, which is exactly what was and what is important to me ", said Angela Merkel. Establishment of transit centers

The parties of the Union now wish to create transit centers on the Austrian-German border for asylum seekers already registered in another EU country. From these centers, asylum seekers must be rejected directly to the responsible countries, which is called in the agreement of the CDU and the CSU from Monday evening.

"We agree on a new border regime on the German-Austrian border, which will ensure that we prevent asylum seekers whose asylum procedures in other countries from the EU have jurisdiction to enter the country, "he said. Paper point, which became public after the meeting in Berlin. In addition: "We are setting up transit centers from which asylum seekers will be rejected directly to the responsible countries." Stressing that Germany did not want to "act unregulated", "but wants to conclude administrative agreements or establish relations with the countries concerned."

Rejection at the Austrian frontier – by "agreement"

The third point is particularly interesting for Austria "In cases where countries refuse administrative arrangements for direct refoulement, the refusal takes place at the German-Austrian border on the basis of an agreement with the Republic of Austria. "

An agreement on transit centers would raise the question of how the SPD coalition partner reacts. The Social Democrats had already fought against such centers in 2015. After the EU summit, a meeting of the coalition committee with the SPD was scheduled late in the evening in Berlin. SPD leader Andrea Nahles has described the conflict of the "irresponsible" parties of the Union, said shortly before the coalition summit but also: "But I do not want to go out of my way. have still not lost hope that tonight ends Consensus of the CDU / CSU and the SPD. "

With the agreement of the brother parties on compromise compromise weeks should end. Seehofer and his CSU insisted on the refusal of refugees at the German border, already registered elsewhere. Merkel did not want such a unilateral solo effort. At a European summit, she had negotiated a tightening of EU asylum policy and the prospect of bilateral agreements; Seehofer had threatened to resign and Merkel had faced serious personal charges: in Bavaria – which is governed by the CSU – in October, the state legislature is re-elected, the CSU threatens the loss of their rights. absolute majority.


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